November 30, 2009

The Aftermath

After a highly valiant attempt at talking myself out of it, I did go for my promised run yesterday. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, so I was excited to be outside running. The pond was sparkling, the air was warm...and my legs were tight.

Ever since my 5K race my calves, which normally give me few problems, have not felt great. I'm also noticing that I'm somehow running even slower than normal. It's taking me about 30 minutes to run two! Why?! I know that in my running infancy I should be focused on building up my endurance, not speed, but it's hard not to beat myself up about it as I poke around my trail at the pace of sloth.

Also, since my pavement run last Tuesday, my knees have started bothering me just a bit while running. I'm thinking that all of this adds up to Take A Break, Woman! I'm going to hold off on running until Wednesday and see how I'm feeling. I don't feel that I've been overdoing it (three runs per week is hardly extreme), but my body is adjusting to the new schedule and I don't want to mess it up by aggravating a potential injury.

So in a nutshell, yesterday's run kind of sucked, but I'm proud of myself for going. As I said, my effort to convince myself otherwise was heroic, but I pounded it out and I'm happy for that. I'm finding that it's becoming a bit harder for me to talk myself into running since my race, which is to be expected. Maybe I'll try adding a bike or other workout or two to my weekly routine and see if that helps keep my motivation high.

Finally emptying my fridge of the last of the apple pie and assorted other Thanksgiving treats should also help!

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