January 16, 2010

Tough, But Enjoyable

I just got back from my Week 2, Day 1 run in GW28K. Overall it wasn't a great run, but I enjoyed myself and it feels good to persevere through a tough workout.

My calves were real tight the whole run, so I ran slightly below turtle in pacing. My husband and I took the puppy back out to the soccer field, where I'd had a great run last time. This time I felt a bit winded and suffered with my calves, but I got my run in and that's what matters.

The skies were gray but the temperature was in the high 50s, so it was a great time to run. While I was running I noticed a college employee come up to my husband and start talking, so I jogged over to investigate. Turns out we're not supposed to have the dog out on the soccer field...whoops. As the employee left, my husband grumbles under his breath, "Dogs aren't allowed, but evidently jugglers are just fine," with a pointed glare at some students on the other side of the field.

The cross country trails were recommended to us, so perhaps we'll check those out next weekend. I've been meaning to find and run on those for some time, so this will be a good excuse.

I'm beginning to ramble a bit and lose focus...which is my cue to sign off for the moment. Tomorrow is a big day: My first swim since September. Why swimming, you ask? Stay tuned for the next post...

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